Road Trip!

Things haven’t gone as planned! I wish I could blame them, but this may be one thing they didn’t have a hand in. Ted was driving!! And he passed Odessa! Now we’re in Midland, but….

a romantic day w/ mohindy

omg 2day i totally went on my 1st date w mohindy! well i guess it wuznt my 1st 1 but it will be the 1st 1 were i dont end up passing out from 3….


Well, everyone, I went for that job interview — though come to think of it, I don’t really know why. The lil’ man has started taking some responsibility and has started doing his part in….

Hanging around…

So I arrive at the diner after my totally hip escape from Las Vegas and the Elvi, and I still look like Shaggy and Velma’s lost kid, but whatever. I get a table in a….

Ninja Skills

I need some action. Playing mommy to the weenie and little miss house wife to the hubby’s getting stale. I need something to do. Sure the moneys a plus, but that’s not why I do….

Rabies !!!

I love my Mommy. She and I would go everywhere together. She would take me shopping at the department store. Mommy would set me in the front of the cart while she would shop. The….

What is Love?

So I’m kinda sad right now. I’m actually missing the nice southern California oasis that we seem to have run into in OH. I wonder if this had anything to do with why palm trees….

A Solitary Walk Through The Forest (I’m So Alone)

Hey everybody. Name’s Peter. Quite a few familiar names here, Isaac, Mohinder, Claude, Sylar (you bad, bad man!) and even cute little Claire. I’m sure you’ve all been wondering what’s been going on with me,….

Happy Ever After in the Market Place

…Or so I thought. I went to work expecting to be cheered up by the fact we have a new prisoner, Jake. But Jake was disappointing. I put a lot of effort into this prisoner…..

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