You want me to wear what?

After breakfast this morning, Rebecca and Trisha wanted to go check out the rest of Midland. It’s not a very large city. New York is gargantuan compared to this place. But that’s beside the point…..

xcape attempt #3!

hey guyz i think this time im gettin outta here 4 realz! its xcape from alcatraz and im like clint eastwood xcept not old and icky lol! my first xcape attempt wuz my best try….

My Father’s Waffles

My Father. As I speak the words I still mourn his death. Is it not man’s very nature to mourn what it can no longer have in this life? One does not miss what they….

Waffles Make the Pain Go Away

Oh, Burnt Toast waffles! Sometimes I feel like you’re my only true friend. And you certainly are a tasty one. It’s true. I eat when I’m depressed. The teenage version of myself was an obese….

Wind it Up

Sorry for the title. Lyle been playing this song for a few doggie days straight. I hear it so much, it in my little head during my beauty sleep. I should destroy something of his….

What’s a Sylar?

What’s a Sylar? Why would somebody call himself Sylar? It sounds like the name of a watch! HAHAHAHAHA!!! People think Sylar is some super powerful serial killer, eating human brains, and stuff. I eat brain-eaters….

Now I’ve Seen Everything.

Ty admitted to eating my waffles. For that reason alone, I will be controlling his laptop until I feel like giving it back to him. A good rule to live by in life is to….

This is nice…

I’m feeling really really good right now. So calm, it’s hard to keep typing. That doctor was so nice to give me that shot, I feel like I could floooat away! I shouldn’t have broken….

Waffles, Waffles, and more Waffles

Greetings all, I have returned to this tasty place. The last few days have been stressful. Mommy has not been taking it too well. She is a stress eater. Today, she has been craving waffles…..

i feel pretty!

so mr glasses is starting to be a lil nicer to me. he talks to me, u know, and takes notes. he wuz even on the brink of opening up to me! and just yesterday….

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