Happy Ever After in the Market Place

…Or so I thought.

I went to work expecting to be cheered up by the fact we have a new prisoner, Jake. But Jake was disappointing.

I put a lot of effort into this prisoner. I researched Chinese people and found they they like sleeping on wood instead of matresses, so The Haitian and I built Jake some furniture.

I don’t remember what kind of wood it was. It’s supposed to be like a synthetic bamboo. Jake didn’t complain, so I guess it works.

Sylar’s old cell was looking nice. The Haitian and I did great work with the place. But Jake didn’t seem to notice. He didn’t complain, true, but he didn’t compliment it either.

“Hello, Jake,” I said as threatening as I could, “We’re going to take you apart. See if we can’t translate your genetic code.”

Jake said, “Oh, that sounds fun.”

“You know, you could be here for a long, long time.”

“I’m sorry. I hope I’m not intruding?”

“Not with my friend here!” I laughed. “Oh, wait…what was that?”

“I just don’t want to be a bother for you,” he said, “and your friend.”

It was clear he wasn’t going to cooperate. Too bad Hank wasn’t around. Hank had away layin’ the smack down, as he referred to it.

“We’ll see how you like it in there without lights,” I said and nodded to The Haitian. He flipped off the light switch and the entire cell went dark.

This would surely crack him, I thought. Nobody could take my psychological games for long. Except for Sylar. He was always so good at the psychological warfare.

“Thanks,” Jake said, “I feel like I’m back home in my village where we had no lights.”

I left him alone with The Haitian while I came here for waffles. Eating my waffles, I remembered how Sylar almost had escaped when I left him alone. But Jake won’t even try. He’s so ungrateful.


It just isn’t the same.