
Well, everyone, I went for that job interview — though come to think of it, I don’t really know why. The lil’ man has started taking some responsibility and has started doing his part in providing for the fam. man, I ‘m so proud fo that boy; taken after his old man, he has. Turns out he can talk to machines, so he’s been “persuading” ATM machines to give him some cash. So…inventive! It’s a beautiful thing, I tells ya. Just beautiful *sniff*

On top of that (no pun intended) the wifey’s back home! God, I missed her so much. I know it’s October and all, but the other day, when we touched, it was like it was Valentine’s Day all over again. Anyway, I think even she has landed a job, because she’s been sporting some expensive-looking attire lately. Meh…maybe it’s just my imagination.

But I digress. The job interview. I gotta say, it went pretty good! I walked in, and picked out the manager due to his not-so-fancy two-piece suit. As I approached him, he looked up at me and — get this — he shrieks like a terrified schoolgirl! His eyes went all wide and he started sweating bullets. I looked around, thinking that John Cusack must have come in behind me or something. The manager starts blubbering, telling me that I could take anything I wanted, just as long as I didn’t kill him.

Boy, it was my lucky day! I beamed, and told him I’d take a job, preferably a cook, and did he have any rice cookers? The manager’s face went blank as he digested my demands. I must say, for some reason he looked incredibly relieved. Oh well, good news is I got a job! Unfortunately, not as cook, but as a bus-boy. Just as well; they didn’t have any rice cookers in their kitchen. Bunch of primitive Neanderthals, I tells ya!