My good week

(Above picture is the beard my husband stole for himself)
“Mommy, we saw Daddy and his homeless man’s beard today!” Simon shouted as he ran into the foyer.
“Yes Mommy,we said everything you told us to.” said my other son!
“You made sure to say how much you hate that beard,are you sure?”
My Stepford sons cried out in unison “YES! CAN WE HAVE COOKIES NOW?”

They are such good boys! They recited exactly what I taught them about daddy’s beard! What joys they are, I will get my real husband back yet!
What a perfect day to a week of happy for me. I forgot to mention that
Mama Petrelli got arrested. YAY! I don’t know what they got the old bat for,I don’t care. I just hope they keep her in their at least until her Botox wears off.
I also wish to clear something up-I am NOT a Gold Digger! I am not the one to sit back and take money! This is a nasty rumor and I wish it to stop.
I have an always will be one part of a Power Couple. I pull my own weight,thank you very much.
I have been doing a Happy Dance for almost the entire week. WHEEE=)
Hopefully, Nathan will be clean shaven when they throw Mama Petrelli in the clink for life!

Message from the Chef:

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