A House Divided Forgets to Serve Dog Food

Poor me. Poor, precious little Mr. Muggles. That’s how Mother put it. And I couldn’t agree more. I’m officially a statistic, another innocent child trying to survive in a broken home. With the oldest, Claire,….

Runnin’ Away With the Carnival?

As you lot ‘ave likely noticed I’ve been out of sight (not all that unusual for me) and out of touch. You see, after my last post, those black ops blokes caught up with me,….

Love at First Slice

How could I possible explain these urges inside me? I seek redemption, I long for peace but I still gain pleasure from delivering blows with the tip of my blade- my beautiful, sharp Kukri swords….

Hokoed on Phnoics

I hvae an addcition. I cna’t hlep it. Yes, I’ev been staeling Matty Rj’s Hokoed on Phnoics becuase I hvae a prolbem wiht raeding and wirting. Dlysexai is a disaese, yuo konw. Tyr as I….


What is this human desire to seek forgiveness for our many sins? Is it not the very act of sinning that makes us human? Does not sin keep us from being the gods we would….

Back to the Grind

Work. It’s all I ever seem to do. Even in the six week vacation I managed to talk Angela into giving me, I found myself hard at work training a new apprentice. This thing never….

Picking pubs and pockets

Right so, as you’ve likely guessed from Tarot’s post (prior to mine) I had her dress up in her Nurse’s Uniform plus makeup and some fish net stockings. Couldn’t talk her into going out in….

Fired Some Kid

You may have heard recently that I’m hosting my own reality show. I’m sure the promos have been playing all over NBC. We’re a week into The Company Apprentice and already things are getting interesting…..

Finding Claude

So as you’ve heard, I found Claude. Actually he found me. I was just checking into a new place when I heard a familiar voice out of nowhere.“Tarot! What the bloody blue blazes are you….

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