A word from the Original Carnie Bad-Boy

Why is it that I’m the one who looks like a jerk in front of Lydia when it should be Sylar? And how come everybody witnesses me getting my butt kicked by guys who look like they are the poster children for Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Let’s recap shall we? First I was beat in a fight by Peter the emo EMT driver. How is it that he suddenly was able to mimic all my smooth martial arts moves in a matter of seconds? It took me years to master those skills and has nothing to do with my abilities and suddenly he’s all badass like Chuck Norris? Second, how is it that some scrawny tall effeminate one-eye browed man could knock me back by flicking his hands in the air? Is that all he’s got? I’d like to see him try and fight me without his abilities. Then we’ll see who’s bad like Chuck Norris.

Sylar needed to be put in his place so I could go back to being the resident bad boy of the group and to make sure he keeps his hands off Lydia. Not that it should matter, because I always thought he preferred men to woman, but these days it’s hard to tell. But who knew the big bad wolf, the one who steals abilities would turn out to be such an emotional nutcase in the house of mirrors? He wanted to know who he was right? Instead he ended up stumbling out puking like a fourteen year old girl consuming her first shot of tequila.

So when Samuel set him up with the detective I knew this was my chance to be the resident bad-boy again. I just had an inkling he wouldn’t able to go through with taking care of carnie business. Especially when he was screaming “I didn’t do it, this isn’t me,” In the house of mirrors. Oh Boo-Hoo, get over it! He wanted to know the truth, was it our fault he couldn’t handle it?

So while Sylar decided he should go all noble and let Detective Lubbock get away, I had to go in and clean up after him, by doing the old slice and dice routine. So much for redemption. Sylar looked at me as if I were a monster, or worse-that I killed a GhostBuster!

He may be one of us now, but I’ll be watching him closely. At least it looks like I don’t have to worry about Samuel getting all touchy feely with me anymore now that he has a new Golden Boy. I don’t know if I should be relieved or pissed off.