Redemption Song

My name is Noah. Yeah, that’s right. You can all call me Noah. It’s part of “my becoming a new me” thing. I’m working on being less mysterious, and I’ve created a list of all the bad things I’ve done and plan to make up for them.

Number seventy-two on the list: neglected my blogging duties.

It’s true. I normally blog from work (I get paid hourly). However, since Primatech recently blowed up, I haven’t had a dull office to sit in for eight hours a day. Still, that’s no excuse.

So, to make it up to you all, I’ve decided to blog from home, on my own time. I’m not even getting paid for it! And yet here I go, typing away. I could be spending this time doing something that makes me truly happy, like shooting people or kidnapping or watching Battlestar Galactica. But instead I’m typing a blog post.

So, there. Enjoy.

Hmm…yeah, okay. So, I guess one post doesn’t quite make up for it. Fine. I’ll write more, but after I find out who the final five Cylons are. Promise.