I miss out on all the fun

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My sister

So apparently, Claire got her head ripped off or something when Mom and I weren’t home? And I was all, “Aw, man,” and Mom was all, “Oh my poor baby”, and I was all, “I’m okay,” and she was all, “Who are you?” So Claire’s like sulking but seriously I don’t see the big deal? Because I totally got my head cut ripped open last Christmas and you don’t see me complaining, though maybe that’s just because no one really listens.

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And the other day I guess Claire’s real mom fireboarded her in a shipping container. That’s wicked cool and everything but I think she’s kinda crazy? She was SMOKING in the KITCHEN, and I was like “That’s not ALLOWED here.” She said she was here to protect us and I was like, “oh what, with fire, cause that’s totally gonna waughahaghhaaugh” cause she had just lit my hair on fire and I don’t see why she gets my bed while I have to sleep on the couch. I wish I was special.

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So now Mom’s in the yard gazing at the plant life (I think she’s gone off her rocker again), the crazy lady’s smoking in the bathroom, and Claire’s gone to a cheerleader sleepover, which Mom never lets me go to, but I’m kinda suspicious cause instead of a bag with her clothes she brought a box with a lot of Primatech files in it. I asked her about it and she was all “that’s none of your business, Lou.” “Can I come with you?” I asked desperately. “Psh, like, no,” she said and drove away. I want to go too. If I steal some files and prove myself worthy of Dad’s attention maybe they’ll finally love me like I know they do deep down or something like that…Adam said that I just need to do something big and maybe I should email him cause he’s been kinda quiet lately and maybe he could be my friend and also like kinda maybe?

Anyway you know what I mean…

I gotta go now, Mr. Muggles is chewing on my foot and I think he wants the computer back.

Love (please love me back?), Lyle