7 Things about Tarot

OK, I know I haven’t written in quite a while and right now everyone seems to be doing this 7 things deal. Granted no one tagged me but I figured what they hey. So here’s 7 things you probably don’t know about me.

1) I actually have had two boyfriends prior to pursuing a certain invisible someone. I used to date Frodo Baggins. No I’m not kidding but that cute little Hobbit isn’t so cute when you know him personally. For one thing they’re neat freaks until they move in with you then they become total slobs with their stuff spread everywhere. They have good hygiene until then too. I could handle the smoking but not the overflowing ashtrays. He was also a real control freak. He was shy when we were just dating but then he wanted to run my whole life. And they are into some weird stuff! (I’d tell you but I don’t care to cause anyone nightmares- I have enough of my own and I don’t scare easily!). I’m glad he’s gone! I’d thought we were tight but when a guy demands a ring and won’t commit it’s definitely time to move on! Of course now you know where those White Ships landed when they left Middle Earth. I’m still not sure what I ever saw in him. And no it wasn’t the looks, even though he’s not unattractive. My next hook up wasn’t much better.

Second hook up, Shrek.
I’d thought I knew what I was getting into. I mean I know Ogres are slobs but Ogres are way more emo than you’d expect at least this one was. You’d figure you were getting a tough slob, someone to scare the nosy neighbors away. Not this guy. I thought I was a bit emo being Goth and all but this guy takes the golden Kleenex box!!! Totally irresponsible too. I mean, I expected him to be scary and Ogre-like- protect the home etc.; I did not expect him to sit on his butt all day and play computer games while I worked my butt off! And I don’t buy for one minute that whole “No one hires an Ogre” thing either. The local security wanted to hire him as did a few shipping places. I hope Fiona has better luck with this guy than I did. “Ogres are like onions” indeed! Yeah they make you wanna cry! And Scream!

2) My music taste is unusual to say the least. On any given day I may be listening to anything from Iron Maiden to Beethoven, or from Vangelis to Duran Duran. I have an extensive CD collection, so I have plenty of stuff to play without repeats. No, I don’t do Hanna Montana. That’s where I draw the line.

3) I hate thongs.
Who invented these things? I mean really. Look past the pretty lace and pretty colors and what do you have? A painful all day wedgie!!!! Not to mention they actually charge you a lot for next to no material! Even the plain ones are ridiculously expensive! Honestly, whose crazy idea were these things? Some ex-torturer? (Mr. Bennet you wouldn’t happen to know anything about the invention of this thing would you?) Seriously! Who wants to walk around all day with a wedgie even if they do have a nice backside? Not me. I’ll take my full briefs, even if they aren’t sexy!

My kid brother used to tease me that they were “Granny Panties” when it was his turn to do the laundry. Whatever. I’ll take comfort over style any day. They’re also sturdier and cheaper than those thongs. I did try a few. They all were uncomfortable and most fell apart in the wash, even when handwashed! Also these come in multipacks with none of those pesky inventory control tags to worry about on them. Not that I really know much about those… what? They tend to forget to remove them occasionally and then you have to go back to the store and have it done unless you know someone who can remove them without damaging the goods, I mean product.

4) I’m adopted. No I’m not kidding or trying to get in good with a certain cheerleader or anything. I’ve no idea who my bio-parents are and I was told the records were sealed. I’m not even sure the Company could get at them. What I do know is that my heritage is Finish and English. Beyond certain traits I’ve noticed that fall into one of those two categories, I couldn’t tell you who was what. And no I don’t expect any famous long lost relatives to come and claim me. I’m a bit old for that.

5) I hate high heels. They kill my feet.
Even the relatively low ones that aren’t stilettos. I’m convinced this was yet another torture inspired apparel design. I can’t walk in them either. I’ve tried. I’ll stick to my sneakers and my flats with good support.

6) I’m allergic to cats. I didn’t used to be. I blame Frodo and some of his pals for this. As a kid my BFF had 3 cats and none of them bothered me. When I was dating Frodo one of his friends had this cat. We’d visit and, after a while, I’d sneeze. Then my eyes got all red and puffy. I looked like I’d been punched. For a while it was just Frodo’s friend’s cat but then it was that cat and nearly all others. I’d take benadryl but it puts me to sleep.

7) I hate turnips. How can anyone eat these things? I’d like biting into mushy wood! Ick! I started hating them when I was a kid. My mom (adoptive not biological) had said “You’ll grow into it.” I’m in my 30’s NOW for goodness sake and this has not changed! What? Does she mean I’ll like them when I’m 124? I don’t think so. You like them, you can have mine. With my thanks!