Challenge 2: Molly and Ryan!!

OMG, I am, like, SO TOTALLY happy that I did not get eliminated!! Not that I thought I would. *ahem* Anyway, this challenge is gonna be, like, SO TOTALLY easy!! Like, totally!! So, anyway, after swooning over a couple hot photos of Sylar I keep hidden in the bottom drawer of my dresser I totally got dressed in my sexiest outfit yet! (You didn’t think it was possible for a nine-year-old to be sexy…think again!!)

So after totally going online and, like, spending HOURS looking at photos and photos of all these sexy male celebrities (yes, MALE) I finally picked one…Ryan Merrimen!!! He is WAY hot!! SO TOTALLY!!

“Argh!! Why doesn’t the Internet have celebrities’ addresses on them??” I cried after a couple more hours of searching the Web. I still couldn’t so totally find Ryan Merrimen’s address!!

Then I remembered that I so totally have a super power! Like, duh!! So I totally thought about Ryan Merrimen when he was in Comanche Moon (so hot! But not as hot as Sylar, of course…) and found out he was totally in Hollywood right now! Duh!! Anyone could have guessed that…

So I totally went to the airport and got kind of spastic for a minute because I thought I left my lip gloss collection (it now has over seven hundred tubes of lip gloss!!) at home, but it turned out it was in my totally hot suitcase!

After seductively (we learned that word in health class…It makes me look smart) persuading the ticket guy to sell me a ticket even though I’m a major or something (or is it minor? I wasn’t really paying attention), I finally got on a plane to Hollywood!! Then it occurred to me (did I spell that right?) that I could’ve just kidnapped that Nathan Petrelli guy and MAKE him fly me there! It would have been so much quicker, but I wasn’t really in a kidnapping mood.

A few hours later, I awoke from my nap on the plane where I drooled all over the guy sitting next to me, and I got off the plane and spent three hours reapplying my lip gloss. (Note to self: Never drool while wearing hot lip gloss!!) Finally, I was ready to go! So I went to go find Ryan Merrimen!!

First I TOTALLY had to get, like, a MILLION shots of that big Hollywood sign!! If only I could fly to the top of it! Drat! But my power is, like, way cool because it helped me to find Ryan Merrimen!!!

So after seven billion pictures of the Hollywood sign I finally got back to concentrating. I totally wanted to hypnotize Ryan with my hot powers BEFORE Valentine’s Day!! So using my super fantastical hot power to locate Ryan Merrimen’s house (which is, like, this HUGE mansion with, like, TEN pools!!!) I totally ran as fast as my hot legs could carry me (which is, like, two miles per hour) to Ryan’s house!! After a few puffs on my inhaler I banged on the door with all my might – or rather, all my might that was left after running that long!

So, like, a MILLION hours later (I have the attention span of a butterfly…they have wicked short attention spans, right?) a butler FINALLY opened the door!!

“What do you want?” he asked in this snooty English accent. Like, so NOT hot! But he had a cool mustache, so I decided to bother with him.

“Take me to Ryan Merrimen!” I demanded hotly. There was no way he could resist an adorable nine-year-old girl like me!! But right then I TOTALLY wished I had hypnotizing (hypnotising?) powers because he was all, “Who are you?” I was beginning to think the butler was hot, but I knew I had to focus on Ryan and Sylar!!

So I was all, “I’m…Adair Tishler!” I just thought of this random celebrity. I ADORE Adair Tishler, and sometimes people even tell me I look like her!!

“OMG, I’m Adair Tishler’s number one fan!” exclaimed the butler. I was about to argue that no, I was the biggest Adair Tishler fan before remembering that I was supposed to be Adair Tishler.

“Just let me see Ryan!” I snapped sexily.

“Fine,” the butler said sexily. He let me inside and led me right to Ryan’s bedroom!! Of course, he only did that AFTER I gave him my autograph (not Molly’s autograph, Adair’s autograph! He’ll never know the difference…).

I finally shook the butler away and banged on the bedroom door with all my might, super careful not to break my perfect nails! A second later the door flew open and I was looking into the hot face of Ryan Merrimen!! I was careful not to scream with girly delight. I am VERY sad to say that Ryan got a haircut, so his hair wasn’t all hot and longish like it was in Comanche Moon!! Instead he looked more like he did in Final Destination 3…which is just as hot! *ahem* Sylar is still WAY hotter, of course…

“Who are you?” he asked in his sexy voice. It totally reminded me of Sylar, which is wicked hot!

“I’m Molly Walker,” I said sexily, flipping my hair in a hot way and exposing my gorgeous manicure. Just then I noticed there was a chip on my manicure and tried not to gasp dramatically (which I TOTALLY love doing!!). “I’m here to seduce you.”

“But aren’t you, like, nine?” he asked dumbly, which TOTALLY sounded hot.

“Five, actually,” I said. “Uh…I mean…seventeen. Yes, I’m, uh, eighteen, actually!! I’m not a major…” He seemed to get confused. Was my lip gloss smudged? I sure hope not!

“You mean minor,” he corrected.

“Whatever,” I said, trying not to sound snappy, which TOTALLY turns people off. “Ryan, let me come in…” I slipped into the room past Ryan and shut the door, totally locking it! So far things were off to a fantastical start!! I could hardly wait…

“So,” I said, seductively licking my lips. At first I got frantic about ruining my lip gloss, but then I decided this was sexier anyway. I grabbed Ryan’s arm and sat him down on the bed next to me.

“Are you sure you’re eighteen?” he asked nervously, looking as hot as ever.

“I’m nineteen, actually,” I lied convincingly. I looked deep into his hot, hot eyes and tried to hypnotize him! “You are getting very sleepy…Molly Walker is nineteen years old and VERY hot. You are easily seduced by Molly Walker, who is VERY hot…You will be easily seduced by Molly and help her to win immunity this week!! *ahem* You will be seduced by Molly!” It seemed to be working. It seemed to be working. Ryan looked totally dreamy!! (Which he always does…But not as dreamy as Sylar!!)

“I will be seduced,” Ryan said in a trance-like voice. “Molly Walker is sexy…I will help her win immunity…”

He leaned in, and the rest, as they say, is history!!

Several amazing hours later I had to disappoint Ryan so I could get back to the Sylar’s Bachelor mansion in time for judging!

“Sorry, honey,” I said. “These last few hours have been amazing, but now I have to go and do the same thing with Sylar.”

“Don’t go,” muttered Ryan sexily.

“I must,” I said dramatically and sexily at the same time. With one last sexy embrace between two of the sexiest people alive (second only to Sylar, of course…) I left dramatically, leaving Ryan crying because I had left him.

“Happy Valentine’s Day!” I cried after him. “This was fun, but I’m going to spend Valentine’s Day with someone even sexier than you…Sylar!”

Yep, I’ve got this one in the bag.