Nathanless Christmas

“Such a pretty tree!” Peter gushed as he flew to the top to place the last
ornament there.
Peter had helped me decorate the tree while the boys had gone to bed for the night.I had focused alot of my confused grief into making sure my sons and brother in-law had the best Christmas ever.
I did everything my role model would of advised me to do if she knew I existed.

“It’s a good thing.” she would tell me.

I awoke that morning with a heavy feeling on my chest.
“Peter, wake up.” I muttered rolling him off me.
Peter had once again crawled into bed clutching his Hello Kitty doll and dressed in his plaid cashmere jammies.

I had spent the whole night crying and then applying ice packs so it wouldn’t look like I was crying.
Sure,Nathan had virtually ignored me and cheated on me with every tramp in the Western Hemisphere. Thing is, he was my man tramp and I had a ring and a prenup to prove it.

Why Nathan Why? Are you dead? Are you alive?Did you finalize your Will?
“Gold brother.” Peter sputtered.
We had gone to the oddest Christmas party ever. There was a beautiful Indian
man there. I think he was married to a cop dressed in a Santa Suit. I don’t remember much else, I have no idea why.

The boys loved all their toys and stayed around just enough time to consume
Christmas breakfast. Then they ran to their friend’s house and were not seen until
Christmas dinner.
Peter and I created an After-Christmas shopping plan while we watched films and
sipped Champagne. It was the first time in years I wasn’t locked in the bedroom slugging back Vodka trying to ignore the fact Nathan kept vanishing from the house.
Mama Petrelli wasn’t sniping criticisms in my ear, in fact she still was missing.
I could walk everywhere and not have to roll around in that chair I used to be forced to sit in.
You know what? This is the best Christmas EVER!