So this what it feels like. I think my Stalker/BF broke up with me. All because my daddy is the one who abducted him all those years ago, did weird things to him, then wiped his memory and I didn’t tell him about it. Hello? How is that my fault? I’m not the morally grey one here! Who’s idea was it to emotionally scar the drunk cheerleader? OMG. The last time I had a BF I was the one who ended it. Sort of. Does smashing his car while he’s in it count as breaking up?
So now Daddy says we have to move. Personally, I don’t give a crap. The only people here who pay attention to me are West (Who knows where he is now), the weird cheerleader who pops up just about everywhere, and Debbie (Now suspended). But its the point. Daddy was all “You jepordized our safety,” and I’m like “No, I didn’t,” and he’s all “Well we’re moving because I’m the boss and I hate my job,” So I threw one of my cheerleader temper-tantrums and told him to move without me. I really haven’t worked out what I’ll do when they leave though. I can’t bunk with West cause he went AWOL and now he’d probably kill me in my sleep anyway. That weird cheerleader wigs me out too. Maybe I’ll live in a box near the school. If my Bio-Family hadn’t completely fallen apart, I might have tried to find them but with Unce Peter missing and Bio-dad missing his AA meetings, I think I’d be better off in the box. I’ll put up a little sign saying that I’m there for moral reasons and put some little pots of flowers on top. Take that, all of you. Stupid robots. West… *sniffle*