Vacation, all I ever wanted.

So, Daddy surprised me with a trip to Nordstroms and a vacation to sunny Southern California! EEEE. Of course the trip to Nordies would have been better if he wasn’t sitting with me in the lingerie section. The over protective thing really gets old, he blames the drinking as of late and when I tried to make him buy me these cute lace boyshorts he bought me a five pack of day of the week granny panties. Whatev.

So, we get to the cozy little smog filled beach town of Costa Verde where I have to meet my partner. Partner? Oh come on. So, yes, I get Niki Sanders sloppy seconds because she’s like…dying or whatev. All I’m saying is good riddance that’s one less person I have to pry off a Petrelli. That’s when I meet my partner, Mohinder, who is very, very cute with his constant reflection on like, liberty and the pursuit of crapiness. I’d love to lock him in a cage and squee at him but Daddy said no 🙁 Joykill. We had an important task at hand and my needs had to be put on hold.

Then Daddy asked if I wanted a new My Little Pony and I reminded him I wasn’t seven anymore. I remember the days when I used to get a new My Little Pony! He’d get me one, then lock me in a room and I’d take a nice long nap and when I woke up I’d feel like my head was fuzzy and full of lightning. Such a good daddy I have, right? WRONG. OMG, So we get a hold of my old “friend” Noah Bennet and he sticks my poor feetsies in a bucket of water (and didn’t even offer a pedicure with that) and tells me I’m the reason he’s always on the run with his dingbat daughter. Flashes of my 11th birthday party when I killed Adam Monroe 13 times and my Daddy watched and squeed for three hours came into my head, was creepy Noah serious? Was my Daddy a big bad meanie?

After I went all electroshock on myself (let’s not talk about that) and Noah rambled on about old cars and dating his daughter with that flying kid with the emo hair, I was reunited with my daddy….only to get shot in the ARM. Ouch times ten, can you believe that? I was trying to be a good daughter and knock emo bangs out of the sky with the cheerleader from hell and got shot in the process.

Then, get this…wimpy Mohinder SHOT Noah! It was HOT. Not the actual shooting but Mohinder with a gun. I hit on him but he told me his boyfriend would be upset. I think he was experiencing post traumatic stress disorder because he meant girlfriend, right? We end up leaving with Noah’s body in tow and Daddy tries to coddle me and I just wasn’t feeling it.

I don’t want to be morally…black anymore. I wanna be pink, or maybe purple. Being a bad girl just isn’t the same when you find out your Daddy is a maniacal freakazoid. Ho-hum.

Oh! Noah apparently just woke up AND he’s half naked. I gotta check that one out. I’ll be back soon when the arm heals and I am morally pink and all that.