Beat Up by Nerdy Little Chicken-Boy?!

Yo, yo, yo, daddy-o’s! Things have been pretty interesting here down on the G-side (you know, “G” as in “Gulf” — New Orleans, man!) ever since Auntie Niki unloaded her little chicken-boy of a son on Nana and us a couple of weeks ago. Before, whenever I look at Little Jerry Curls I’d get all pissed off; he was always so happy and cheery, so much so that I always expected that he’d just start skipping around the kitchen singing Soulja Boy like Britney Spears or something.

I have to admit that I was a little jealous, knawmsayin’? I know how it feels to lose someone or something that’s really important to you. Heck, I practically lost my entire city (G-side stand up! woot woot!)!!!! The thing is that I’ve never really gotten over it; deep down inside the anger is still there. I’m beginning to think that it’ll never go away. I was jealous of chicken-boy, with all his smiling, his computers, and his geeky little comic books. All those little pictures…with the little words…too small to read…who wants to read, anyway, knawmsayin’? I guess that’s why I did what I did.

I didn’t think he really knew what loss was all about, so when he told me about his comic book worth hundreds of dollars, I knew that I was going to take it. Just for a while, just so that he’d feel it hard enough. I was eventually going to give it back, I swear. Okay, MAYYYYBE I wanted to sell it — gotta get that paper, knawmsayin’? G-side, stand up!

But when things went wrong, I saw a side of chicken-boy I never expected to see. Little Jerry Curls kicked my @$$! Can you believe it?! I still can’t, even though I have the extra-bloody nose to prove it! The little coffee-colored girly-boy tackled me like a Saints linebacker, then hit me like a ton of bricks. I didn’t think a fist that small could hit that hard! Knamsayin’?!

I’ll get him back, though. Chicken-boy, prepare to get your @$$ PLUCKED!!! KNAMSAYIN’?!?!?!?