The One and Only Sanjaya

hey all, it’s me Sanjayay! i totaly stole ed’s passwerd! it fell out wile he was cowering on the floor as i approached to eat his brainz!

i’m after brainz because i met my hero Sylarz! he’s so pretty i wanna be just lik him as ive alwayz wanted to b spwshul and seksay. so after i got kiked of Amerikan Idol (sooo not fair!) i decided to eats peeps brainz and be more speshul lik Sylarz! i staked Ed since I saw him figkting leprechauns with ligning he must have speshul powerz! mayb if i’m speashul enogh i’ll get a recoord deal! i know just what the cover wll lock lik…

neways i wuz totaly about to eat Ed’s brainz when a door slamed in the bak of the auditoum cauzing me to lose my concentrashun!

Hold it right there!

Me: omg celine dion!!?

Thats right! There’s only room enough for one talentless diva in this country! Thats why I framed Paris Hilton so she would go to jail!

Me: omg yoo did that?

Thats right, now I need to stop all other divas so I’m here to kill you!

Me: noooo! that wil mess up my butiful hair!

just then another persn burst thru the door!

OMG like not so fast Celine!

Britney! I thought we had a truce.

i decided to brek it an be a star agin, im sik of bein made fun of and riasin kids!

Then I suppose I’ll have to kill you as well!

Me: wait! i totaly hav a great idea! we shold form a super group! be lik the hotest thig evar! we could sing and eat brainz to be even more speshul!

Hmm, I don’t know

like, OMG ya’ll, i totaly once had my
brainz eaten!

I guess I’ll go along, if only to shut Britney up…

an thats how our supergup wus formed! wait, i totaly forgot about ed! lol, i can get his brainz netime l8er later now that i hav my girlz bi my side.