A Mother’s Love

Today’s a day for appreciating your caretaker, your nurturer, and the woman who slapped together more PB&J sandwiches than you can count. Unfortunately for me I have no mom to shower with gifts, cards, and kisses, and my son is too busy being kidnapped to spend the day with me, so I thought I’d give my little weenie a tribute this Mother’s Day, and maybe it’ll show Hana that she’s being paranoid, there’s no need to kill my son!

When Micah was a baby I could tell he was special. I just wasn’t sure if that was a good thing. He had a funny look to him (must have got it from D.L.’s side) and a habit of licking various things (maybe he got that from me).

After a while he started looking somewhat normal, and he grew into a sweet, intelligent, little guy. He was always a good kid, never got in any trouble, just sat quietly in the corner of his room, just fiddling around with random devices for most of the day. He fixed his first lamp at age four! It was a proud day, and
I didn’t have to spend my hard earned money on an appliance! Being an alcoholic isn’t cheap.

Now he’s the smartest person I know, I wouldn’t trade him for a million bucks (though two could open my mind a bit) and I love him more than anyone else in the world. Now, I’d like to bring this tribute to a close with a little poem I’ve written for my weenie.


M is for midnight hours awake,

I is for the countless inventions you’d break,

C is for the crying that never stopped,

A is for the attention you sometimes got,

H is for the hugs that make me smile,

Micah, those twenty-seven hours were worth while.

Happy Mother’s Day everyone, make sure you get mom something more than a card!