The Love Which Can not be Named.

My fellow Americans:

I send greetings to everyone at the B.T. Café. I am still stuck in Vegas. Hopefully, I will be able to make it back to NY within a matter of weeks. (Heroes Standard Time-meaning anywhere between a day to six months.) In the meantime, I have been under a great amount of stress. I really needed to get my mind off of everything Linderman has told and showed me. I walked around the city aimlessly, and that is when I saw a huge billboard announcing my favorite country music group, The Dixie Chicks. I have long loved this group. (Sigh) More specifically, I have harbored a love that can not be named for the lead singer. It can’t be spoken of because of that fateful day when she spoke against the President in a foreign country, I have had to hide my feelings and their CDs in a Brittny Spears CD cover.

Anyway, when I saw the billboard, I knew I would have to sneak into the show to see her. Everything was going well, I even managed to get onto the front row and throw my jock strap onto the stage, and that is when it happened. The lead singer looked into my eyes, and I knew then that she wanted me. I guess I’m not surprised by that part, but she signaled for one of her body guards to bring me backstage after the show. I can’t give you all the details because I wouldn’t want them to come back to haunt me before Election Day, but I will admit that I made her mascara run. I did get one photo of us backstage before we moved our private party back to the hotel. (Sigh) Now I must get back to my regular life, secure in the knowledge that our love must forever remain a forbidden love, tragically separated by our political ideologies. (Sigh)

Future Congressman
Nathan Petrelli

P.S. Remember to vote for Petrelli, and I don’t mean my mother or Peter.