Tongue Typin’

When did everything get so messed up? This might come as a surprise to you, but I’m writing from nice little cozy padded cell. To bad, I could really go for a cup of Jo and a chocolate chip muffin right now. Things went a little crazy these past few days. It’s all her fault really; I should have never let her turn us in.

So you thought this was Niki speaking for a moment there didn’t ya? Well, you were stupid to assume that, brighten up, you should have known I wasn’t going to let Niki have all the fun with this little blog thing of hers. Lucky for me, I negotiated my way into getting my laptop brought in. Typing with my tongue’s not so hard, especially since I share it with Niki, it’s the only muscle she has that’s stronger than mine.

How’d a nice gal like me end up in a dump like this you ask? We’ll that’s one hell of a story. If you’re reading this, you have the time to listen, so sit down, shut up, and stop gawking at this picture of me.

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Yeah, I’m sexy. Don’t hate ladies, enough silicone and you could have this figure too. Oh yeah, Micah’s there too.

Anyway, the way it went down was like this, I’ll make it simple for those of you using less than 10% of your brain:

-D.L took my kid

-I shot D.L

-D.L ran with my kid

-I stalked D.L

-D.L passed out on my kid

-My kid found me

So everything was going fine from there, as you see. All I had to do was kill D.L, but of course, something that should have been simple was easily screwed up by the one and only Niki Sanders. Sure, shoving Micah was probably a mistake, it shocked Niki enough for her to push her way back out, and that was my downfall, but he can be such a weenie sometimes. Who wouldn’t want to push him?

Actually, I might have to reconsider keeping him around once I break out of this joint. He’s a pretty big threat, bigger than bears even! I’ll kill D.L, he thinks he’s so righteous with his precious virtues and feelings! Who needs such things?! Not I said the cat! We’ll see how far his virtues bring him when he’s popping up daisies. As for Micah… well, maybe the next time I happen to push him it’ll be into a pool. Weenies can’t swim, can they?