Interrogation of a Murderer

Sylar killed Eden. I blame myself. I was actually here at the diner when it happened. The coffee was great that day. Everything was great that day. Until I got back to work.

Rufus called me, right after I finished my coffee and blog post.
RUFUS: Mr. Bennet. The silent alarms just went off.

ME: They’re not silent, Rufus.

RUFUS: Oh. I guess that’s why I can hear them.

ME: What’s going on?

RUFUS: I don’t know. It sounded scary, and I heard a gun shot. So me and Alex are hiding behind my desk.

ME: I’ll be there.

The Haitian and I arrived in time to subdue Sylar. The time for games was over.

After the sedatives wore off, he awoke tied down to a chair. The Haitian and I were with him. It was my chance to get answers.

ME: You’re going to tell me everything, Gabriel.


ME: Yes.


ME: Yes.


ME: No.

SYLAR: Alright, you win, Mr. Glasses…or can I call you Horn?

ME: Why do you eat brains, Gabriel?

SYLAR: Um, I don’t know. I think it’s because I like, want to be special, or something. Well, that’s how it started. Now, having eaten so many, they’re just so tastey! It’s like people who are addicted to, like, you know, Starbucks lattes! Only I’m addicted to brains! They taste so good. And sometimes they give me special powers!

ME: I see. And who was your first victim?

SYLAR: Some nerdy guy named Brian Davis. He’s where I got my super mind trick from! I didn’t really, you know, know what I was doing? But my friend Chandy helped teach me some things, so I figured I’d try them!

ME: Go on.

SYLAR: It was kind of icky the first time because I didn’t have my mind trick, so I got brain goop all over my dainty hands, and I didn’t like that! But Chandy had told me, “Gabriel, if you, like, want to be special, you’ll like, have to eat some brains.” So I held my breathe and plugged my nose and took a big bite! It was SOOOO gross and I almost puked all over the place right after the first bite but I kept going. I finally finished it and I had my mind trick, so I guess it was kind of worth it, you know? But now, I’ve eaten so many of those brains I don’t have problems like that anymore, especially since the brain juice doesn’t get all over me!

ME: Did you enjoy your childhood?

SYLAR: Oh my gosh, no! My dad had like this big master plan for me to be a watchmaker, and I helped him in his shop all the time! But I didn’t want to be a watchmaker, I wanted to be special! I wanted to be so special that everyday was treated like my super sweet sixteen! But it wasn’t!

ME: You felt angry.

SYLAR: Yes! And my dad was only the beginning of my problems.

ME: It’s okay, Gabriel. You can tell me all about it.

SYLAR: All the people in school used to make fun of me! They thought I was a loser because I was a watchmaker’s son! And some times I wore lipstick to school. And this other time I tried on a cheerleader’s uniform in the girls’ locker room. And another time I tried to make out with the star football player. I don’t think they liked me too much because of those things.

ME: And what’s your goal now that you have been eating all these brains?

SYLAR: To be special! I was never popular because I wasn’t special. I want people to love me. And now I am special because I can like, you know, chop off people’s heads with my mind. So I’m gonna keep eating brains to get more and more special, so everyone will love me.

ME: You realize, of course, that I can’t allow that to happen.

SYLAR: You can’t stop me from becoming beautiful! I’ll keep eating brains until I’m good and ready, to like, stop!

ME: Not if my friend takes a look under your hood.

SYLAR: I’m not gonna use my cleavage generation power for you looky-loos!

ME: No, that’s not what I meant.

Well, maybe I didn’t find out everything. But there will be time for more answers soon. I left him with The Haitian. Don’t worry, there are no guns around.