I got kicked out

I just got out of this weird place, this guy named Mr. Bennet and his assistant Eden tried to help me master my powers, I didn’t think that it would work. I found Mr. Bennet weird and kind man, he kept saying “My Claire, my Claire bear!!!” I was like “Waaahh?” Then he goes “I wanted you to paint a picture of the guy that will eat my Claire bear” I still had no idea what he was talking about and said “Huuuhhhh?” Then I somehow saw a vision and painted this guy exploding. My stay at the paper company was weird, I felt like it was all a dream. They also cleaned all the heroin out of my system. I feel fresh.

I recently met Hiro Nakamura and his traveling buddy, Ando. With the help and inspiration of Hiro, I finally painted the future without drugs! I saw Hiro holding a samurai sword out at a T-rex, guy’s gonna get owned. My vision wasn’t long enough, I wanted to see Hiro get eaten by that T-rex! That would be totally awesome dawg!

The three of us head back to Burnt Toast Diner, I walk in and WAHBAM! I see this frog on the floor, I think of my vision of the exploding frog. Hiro says “Yuhu! Waffles!” and just steps on the frog. I was shocked and I almost yelled at Hiro saying, “You stepped on the frog dawg, that’s not cool, the frog is like us man and you stepped on us.” Then some guy comes along, picks up the frog, and chops its head off just by looking at it! I’m like “What the…?” That guy glances at me, then looks at the frog brain, he sees it crushed and tosses it into the trash can. He just threw us away! I yell at him, “What the !#$& is your problem?!? You just threw us away!!” The guy looks at me and I’m like “Oh shit,” then he tosses me out the restaurant, crashing through the window. When he walks out the door I say to him, “That’s not cool dawg!” He ignores me and flies off like Superman. I look at the sky and say, “That’s so cool dawg!”

We order waffles and french fries, Hiro goes “Yuhu! Waffles!” and Ando says “Hiro!” They eatup all the food and I end up ordering a cheesburger without cheese.