The Slaughter House Rules

Do you know that thing I said about how Becky Taylor is evil? Well, I was totally proven right. Not only is she evil, she’s some sort of invisible, deadly evil. I mean, she –….

Beauty is Pain

“Just go in, talk to him, sign him out. He’s got nobody,” Bennet said, while staring at my chest. “You’ve been there.” “No, I haven’t, and you’re never going there,” I said, chastely. I know,….

jjjjjjjjjjjHwhatt? Drrukn bolgging!!

Graet nwes! Imm durnk! Wiat…taht’s not teh graet nwes. Ist thhe goood newess buts theers bettrer newws. Graeet newes! I jsust gott to remeeber waht itt iis. Hoo ya! Teh graaeet nwes is taht Im….

It Can’t Be True!

So, inside this house of mirrors thing, I was shown information about my past. It was a horrific sight! There were murders, brain feasts and more murders. But the worst part was when I saw….

Unhappy in the Hospital

last week, i wake up in hospital in gown that no cover rear-end so well. i hate hospital. anyhow, i see peter petrelli there. peter-san tell me i teleport-o to his apartment and pass out…..

The Universe and Boys and Girls too!

Ok, so you know how nothing is EVER my fault right? Well its not my fault that both boys and girls think I’m peppy and cute. Heck, even gay boys think I’m adorable. But my….

All Too Normal Activity of the Invisible Man

or: Why those with overactive imaginations should avoid the cinema No. This is not a post by Dr. Morewordsthannecessary Suresh. It’s me, Claude Rains, the Invisible Man. Wanted to post about what Tarot and I….

It raining pool boys

I swear to baby Jesus, since Mummy left Father, it has been a parade of pool boys. When I use the term “boys”, I mean males that have the IQ of Steve O. It is….

A word from the Original Carnie Bad-Boy

Why is it that I’m the one who looks like a jerk in front of Lydia when it should be Sylar? And how come everybody witnesses me getting my butt kicked by guys who look….

My New Job

My job search wasn’t going very well. It seemed I kept becoming distracted by YouTube videos of cats. “Wow, I never realized the Internet could be used for so much more than stalking,” I said….

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