A bright future

The past few days have been so eventful! I spent 3 whole days crying non-stop in order to cope with the many changes going on in my life.

Sybriel has changed so much over our journey. At the begining he couldn’t stop looking at my brother. Now he is by my side every minute of the day! He is just like Alejandro, only white. We take picnics together and touch each other when mama isn’t looking. Except Alejandro is watching Sybriel and me like mama watched Alejandro and me.

With Alejandro acting as my mother rather than my brother/love of my life, our relationship has been fizzeling. He was constantly nagging me about Sybriel and his theories on how he eats brains (so silly!).

“This Sybriel is EVIL, Maya. EVIL!” He told me for the 100th time that day.

“Why do you speak this way of our companion? In relationships such as these, we must be completely loving and open with each other, not accuse a member of being a psychopath!” I began to cry for the 200th time that day. However, Alejandro did not take my hand. “I can’t help you Maya. Not if you are aligning yourself with that crazy man,” And he turned on his heal and left me to tear my clothes and pull my hair.

This is how Sybriel found me. I looked up to see him skipping with a picnic basket swinging at his side. The mere sight of him dried my tears.

*sigh/sniffle* Sybriel… Later that night, after Alejandro started back for home, I was feeling lonely. It had been three whole minutes since my last hug, so naturally I pounded on Sybriel’s door in a blind panic. And lo and behold! A vision of beauty! A shining, glistening, half naked angel!

Something inside of me awoke. Something that I hadn’t felt since when mama used to give me and Alejandro joint baths. I- I couldn’t help myself. Of course, after our kiss, I had to give myself fifty lashes and cry in the dark for 4 hours, as someone as wretched as me does not deserve this pleasure. But it was worth it. I know! If I show Alejandro how beautiful Sybriel is, he will have to come back to us! We will be a happy threesome again! I’ll send him a post card with a picture! How do you address a card to a person who is illegally traveling to Mexico (or somewhere in that area. I can never remember)? I am so excited- Oh dear. That’s another 20 lashes and 2 hours in the dark. Afterward maybe Sybriel will give me some crayons to write a letter to Alejandro. I must be quiet though. Sybriel told me not to wake the little girl or else he’ll have to whip me himself.