Stalker Warning

My Fellow Burnt Toast Bloggers:

I finally broke down and called the police. I officially have a stalker. I’ve suspected as much for over a month now. The stalker is highly intelligent, which led me to originally think The Real Mohinder was the culprit. It would take a smart person to hack into my personal blog and add a playlist of my alleged make out music to the site. The worst part about the hack job is that none of my people can remove the stupid thing… I have since learned it could not be the good Doctor because a few incriminating pictures of me have recently come to light. Photos of me with a certain criminal named Linderman. (I swear, to any potential voters out there, this meeting is not what you think.)

Anyway…Since we all know Dr. M. is sporked to the ceiling, it could not be him stalking me. He might be able to blog with his Blackberry/Blueberry…some sort of berry, but he couldn’t take the pictures…. I am deeply concerned, not only for myself but for everyone at the B.T. Café. If the stalker can’t get to me directly, he or she may attack you…

Trust no one. If you have any information that could lead to the arrest of my stalker, please contact my campaign headquarters.
p.s. My campaign manager has signed me up for some sort of Gladitorial Games. I’m beginning to wonder if they are all out to get rid of me… Keep an eye out for me there.
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